English Track

During the programme students develop within three domains: knowledge, skills and professional attitude. Each course will spend time on these domains (in a different capacity) and students can show the result of their development during the internship. Below are links and descriptions for the required VU-courses.

Knowledge | Focus on theory

  • Knowledge of common psychological disorders

  • Knowledge of standardized diagnostic instruments

  • Knowledge of the background, possibilities and limitations of evidence-based low-intensive treatments

  • Acess or judge the quality of low intensive treatments

  • Knowledge of diverse issues in mental health and in clinical practice

Skills | Focus on implementation

  • Translate insights of diverse issues into clinical practice

  • Translate knowledge about low-intensive treatment, diagnostic data and patient needs into a treatment plan

  • Skills in diagnosing common psychological disorders

  • Skills in applying commonly used low-intensity treatments

Professional attitude | Focus on attitude

  • Translate feedback into adjustments in own behavior in clinical practice

  • Emit an attitude aimed at cooperation, equality, openness and transparency

  • Working both as a team member as well as under supervision

  • Organize and plan work

Courses (English Track)

Low Intensity Treatments for Common Mental Health Problems

Course Guide
To obtain knowledge about low intensity treatments and to gain insight into their application, effectiveness, and characteristics.
In addition, students are introduced to number of common therapeutic techniques and learn how they can apply these techniques in practice.

Diversity in Clinical Practice (HP)

Course Guide
1. Demonstrate knowledge and critical awareness of diversity topics in mental health
2. Explain the importance of cultural self-awareness in clinical practice
3. Compare and contrast the impact of diversity topics in different stages of clinical practice
4. Translate the acquired knowledge regarding diversity topics into good clinical practice and apply this to clinical cases
5. Create an educational video and effectively present recommendations for good clinical practice in a diverse setting

Assessment and Coaching skills

Course Guide
This course focuses on first screening and risk assessment (e.g. suicide risk or risk to others) using a client-centered interview and different screening instruments. You will learn to conduct and report first screening assessments.
During the tutorials you will learn to conduct a first clinical interview, formulate assessment hypothesis, select and interpret screening instruments and write an integrated report.
This course emphasizes a client-centered approach to assessment in which alliance, shared decision making and client-centered feedback are central.


A short internship to consolidate learned knowledge and skills. Look at Internships for possibilities.